Yard Info Delivers Six Months For One Fee

16th January 2017

Hi ,  

Over Christmas we gave you a great opportunity to try a service called Yard Info that was top of the Tipster TV table at one stage during December! 

Some of you who missed out on the Christmas deal have been asking if they can still take advantage of that special offer. 

Since then Yard Info has gone from strength to strength and really if we weren’t an early bird taker you have missed the boat. 

However, that would seem churlish so just for Tipster TV members we have been given permission from the tipster to reopen the offer. 

The deal is a one time payment of £39.00 for 6 months of the tips from Yard Info with no recurring subscriptions

However, we can only keep this offer open for a couple of days so ACT NOW! 

Yard Info For Six Months at Just £39.00 – CLICK HERE! 

At the moment Yard Info is bang in form: +113.26 Points Profit in January! (as at 16/01/2017). 

It’s certainly a good late New Year’s resolution to join Yard Info for six months for the price of one with no recurring subscriptions.


You could almost tolerate Dry January when you subscribe to Yard Info for SIX MONTHS at just £39, the usual fee for ONE MONTH! 

SIX for the Price of ONE for the 2nd Top Performer in January on the Tipster TV platform - £2,831.50 in front this month at £25 Per Point! (Not including today). 

Since Proofing began over two years ago Yard Info is now a massive +1381.06 Points in Front. You can see all the bets and details if you CLICK HERE! 

We are talking about a service that is proven over 25 months and delivering this month with many WINNERS in January: 

Indeed from 61 Bets 21 have WON for a Strike Rate of 34%, not bad when the average odds of the tips is about 3/1.   

When you subscribe today for six months there are no recurring subscriptions and you get the tips for half a year for the price of just ONE MONTH! 

This offer is a January Special but at that price places are limited and it’s only for a couple of days so don’t delay: 

Grab Your Yard Info Action SPECIAL OFFER: CLICK HERE! 

If you're one of the 98% of punters who consistently lose, then this is your opportunity to change that now and be advised by a betting professional who has developed a "SYSTEM" for selecting winner after winner after winner. 

The SPECIAL DEAL is just £1.50 a week over 6 months for Yard Info that has delivered for over TWO YEARS of consistency and WINNING bets! 

This offer is for a limited period so take action now! 

CLICK HERE for This January Special Offer!

Best regards.