Hi ,
One of our most eagerly awaited launches for some time is nearly here.
Super Select Tips have made HUGE profits whilst proofing to our tipster proofing site Tipster Planet.
+1,120 points
77% return on investment
An incredible 4 months of proofing that has simply blown us away!
We will be launch this exciting new service very soon and if you are interested in finding out more then all we ask is that you click the link below and join our Earlybird list for this new service.
NO obligation
NO forms to fill in
JUST one-click is all it takes
Plus, for joining the Earlybird list you will be entitled to an amazing discounted offer to join, which I can tell you is not to be missed!
Don't delay, make sure you get on the list today for further details!
We look forward to sending you all the details very soon!
Best Regards,