Hi ,
The months are certainly flying by as one big flat meeting after another comes and goes, but next week we are in for a real treat as we take in the York Ebor Festival which starts on Wednesday 17th August 2016.
To celebrate this great event we have just received first word that BetKudos have yet again secured the services of Luke Martin Racing to provide his best tips over the entire four days!
This is going to be a fantastic four days of top tipping!
The reason for this is, Luke Martin is a festival specialist with a proven track record at the big meetings that leaves all other in the shade.
Here is Luke’s festival record…
Cheltenham Festival 2015 +176 Points
Cheltenham Festival 2016 +40.08 Points
York Dante 2016 +20.67 Points
Newmarket July Cup +85.74 Points
That all totals up to over 322 Points Profits, over 14 days of betting.
Click here to view his festival betting record.
Luke really is the Festival Specialist!
Click Here To Bet Alongside Luke At York
That's a mega £32,249.00 in just 14 days betting at £100 a Point! Even for £10 a point bettors that's a very nice £3,224.90!!!
Over the four days at York Luke has already told us that he has some of his biggest bets of the year planned, this guy is confident that you will come away with a handsome profit.
Luke prepares months in advance and right up to race day, he leaves nothing to chance, this is his livelihood. Don’t forget, he’s already made good profits at York this year, he loves this course and in particular the York Ebor meeting.
If you want to join him and his loyal band of followers, then you need to take action now!
Click Here – Book Your Early-Bird Place Today!
This really is going to a spectacular 4-days as some of the top horses do battle. These meetings are obviously ultra competitive and you need a proven specialist to guide you all the way.
Luke Martin is that specialist – Don’t bet at York next week without him!
Click Here For Big York Ebor Profits
Don’t wait to hear of even more success, get involved from day one.
Best Wishes,
PS. Due to his past success Luke has a big following, so book your place before they all join.