Hi ,
One of our most successful launches BetSence continues to thrive. After a huge profit in January of +281 points, the winners continue to flow in February.
Three big winners yesterday…
Beyondtemptation WON 9/1 Roxyfet WON 5/1 Argus WON 22/1
The service goes from strength to strength!
The last 30 days have seen a profit of +173.26 points - In cash terms you could have made over £1,700 to £10 a point.
Now over 466 points profit overall with a very impressive 52.49% return on investment!
View all the results here
These incredible profits led one member to say…
“By the way, I don’t know what this bet sence fella is on but I’ve never seen anything like it!”
The service also makes very good profits to Betfair SP, so no fear of closed betting accounts because you are winning!
If you are searching for a tipster with an incredible knack of finding daily winners and one who bets to small stakes (Generally 1pt bets), there is only one thing for you to do…
Join BetSence today!
CLICK HERE - Access BetSence And Start Winning
Best Wishes,