Don't Miss These Big Gambles

21st February 2019

Hi ,

We often hear about placing our bets at 'value' odds, but that is easier said than done!

How do we know what is value?

That is why our service Value Wins is so popular, it does all the hard work for you and puts you on best value bets the night before racing.

Big value gambles like these...

Flashing Glance Advised @ 4/1 WON 7/4 SP
Cockney Hill Advised @ 20/1 WON 13/8 SP
Foreign Legion Advised @ 5/1 WON 7/2 SP
Navajo Star Advised @ 9/2 WON 15/8 SP

Profit to value prices the night before racing +33.5
Profit to SP (Starting price) +8.74

So you see, getting value is essential to making big profits!

Click Here To Get These Value Bets Every Evening

Since April 2017 Value Wins has gone on to make 1,500.17 points from just 3-4 bets a day.

All bets are to win only and will hit your inbox or members area by 9 pm every evening.

Look at the yearly profits...

2017 +807.61 points
2018 +624.66 points

We have seen 5 winning months from the last 6 with a profit of +393.11 points...

That's an average of +65.51 points a month!

Over 40 years of betting experience is behind every bet advised!

Luckily, you don't have to wait that long, you can reap the rewards Value Wins provides today.

Incredibly, you can join from just £ that is also amazing value!

Click Here To Get These Value Bets Every Evening

You have seen the big value profits being made, time to grab your share !

Have a great day!

Best Wishes,