You are getting this Message as a Registered Member of the Betfan Members Area and someone who in the past has shown an interest in Sports Betting
Hi Guys
We have exciting news today of a brand new development at Betfan which we hope will further enhance your experience with us
Over the last Year it has become increasingly apparent to us that getting E mails out to our Members and more importantly ensuring they get there on time is getting more and more difficult. Some providers are delaying our E mails as much as 24 Hours and in some cases people are getting their Tips after the event which is not good enough from our perspective.
We are working ongoing in conjunction with some of the Top Companies in the industry to find solutions to this problem and will continue to do so but are aware that the issue is not with our mailing software but with the big email providers either blocking or delaying certain types of E mail. This is certainly not unique to us or our industry and is in fact becoming an issue to many many companies out there.
One of the main reasons we introduced our state of the art Members Area - was to ensure people at all times would be able to simply log in and collect their Tips each Day meaning should the email fail you could still log in and collect your advise.
However an issue that Members have commonly reported with this is not knowing exactly what time our Tipsters will post their Tips and having to keep coming back to the Members are to check if anything is posted yet. This is fair comment particularly with some of our Tipsters posting more than once a Day.
So with this in mind we have created a brand new and exciting tool for your desktop/laptop
Our brand new Widget once downloaded to your Computer will send you a reminder instantly that any of your tipsters post their tips. simply download the widget and log in with your Tip Centre log in details and as soon as your Tipster post their Tips you will be notified and have instant access to those Tips.
In testing we have found this actually gets you the Tips far faster than the email and allows you to get even more value on the early prices often available
So how can you get this exciting new tool?
If you go to the Members Area and scroll down you will see two big grey boxes that say - Get Your Tips Direct To Your Desktop. Click on the one appropriate to your machine and Download it to your computer. Rest assured this is 100% safe.
Once downloaded log in and you will start getting Tips notifications instantly your Tipster posts them.
Alternatively you can just download the new tools from here
Tip Desktop Widget for Windows
We hope you will be as excited by this new development as we are and that many of you will be able to download it and see the massive potential benefits. In the meantime rest assured we continue to work on ways to improve our E mail deliverability and ensure your Betfan experience is the best it could possibly be.
Any problem at all with regards to the widget please contact us via the support centre here -
Thank you for your continued support of Betfan
Kind Regards
Betfan Members Area