You are getting this Message as a Registered Member of the Betfan Members Area and someone who in the past has shown an interest in Sports Betting
Hi Guys,
The Top Class Tennis Advisor over at WIN tells us that despite some excellent profits this Summer already the best is very much still to come and has just served up two bits of Great News to us!
Firstly he has agreed to extend his Tennis Bets beyond the Summer and through to the very end of the Tennis season into November and all at no extra cost to Summer Tennis members
Secondly we had cheekily asked him if we could do a discount again as we feel betting opportunities at the USA Open week will be of interest to many of you.
It took some persuasion but he did agree and he also assured us that their is still a feast of Top Class tennis action happening this Year and no end of profit opportunities.
He will also be doing full and comprehensive write ups ongoing on the Tournaments and advice
Boy did he deliver with this fantastic offer for those of you not already involved!
WOW - 70% Discount on This RED HOT Summer Service!
WIN Tennis Proofing shows over 100 Points Profit - Service Now Extended until November!
Just one payment of £14.99 - All Tennis Bets Until End of Season!
Grab Your Discount By CLICKING HERE
French Tennis Open and Wimbledon has already gone and we saw some
excellent profits from it thanks to our inside Tennis advisor
This is a proven source and making BIG cash profits from the major Tennis Tournaments
He has a HUGE last few Months of season lined up with plenty of other exciting Tournaments along the Way!
He smashed the bookies Last Summer!
This year the Guys over at WIN have decided to hire the "ACE" again and this time have opened the door to just 200 members.
Tennis Officially opened the doors a couple of Months ago and there was
a huge intial rush to grab a limited spot ahead of the French Open and
But NOT ALL the places were taken and we are now looking to fill those last Few Spots for the rest of the Summer in to November
This OFFER will fill fast so speedy action is required if you want in on this.
You can visit the Official Website by CLICKING HERE.
However, DO NOT JOIN via the website. It's low cost but you can get involved at a Special Discounted Price by using the link below...
CLICK HERE FOR DISCOUNT! (This is a massive saving of 70% off the Full Price)
discounted deal is on a timer so if after visiting the website you want
to join us in smashing in the cash this summer make sure you take
advantage and save a considerable amount on membership.
1 - Learn All About WIN Tennis by CLICKING HERE
2 - Join At A Discount By CLICKING HERE
Please remember that only 200 places are available. Once gone the doors will close!
Best Wishes,
Betfan Members Area
Lots of Tennis action about and you can start profiting literally from
Today onwards. Grab the discount offer quick - the guy is practically
giving it away at this price!
Grab Your 70% Discount By CLICKING HERE