Hi %%First Name%%,
Last week we told you about the Betfan service SUPER TIPS and how they were smashing in BIG profits.
Many of you joined, and well done, but for those that didn’t it was because this happened >>>>>
Saturday 16th May 2015
Tupi – WON 6/1
Time Test – WON 11/2
Spark Plug – WON 9/2
And an each-way treble advised on all three!
WOW!!! Over 284 Points Profit in ONE DAY!!
A mind blowing £2,840 to small £10 bets!!
Well if that wasn’t enough for you to join this profit making machine…this happened on Wednesday >>>>>>
Wednesday 27th May 2015
White Flag – WON 12/1
King Of Paradise – WON 10/1
Two Singles and an each-way double advised on those two!
WOW!!! Over 171 Points Profit In ONE DAY!!!
Another mind blowing £1,710 to small £10 bets!
Plus there has been many other individual winning bets.
That has helped members to accumulate over 471 points profit this month alone, and over 1,095 points profit in the last three months!
James, the guy behind SUPER TIPS, has already built up an impressive following via social media with over 6,500 followers on Facebook under the name ‘Super Horse Racing Tips’.
In the last 10 weeks OVER 1,000 points profit has been witnessed, which is a HUGE achievement. No hype, not made up, all sent and proofed before racing.
You can get a full breakdown of every bet HERE!
How about this for some monthly profit figures…
March: +561.13
April: +62.65
May: +471.67 (upto 29/05/2015)
Total: +1,095.44 Points Profit
Even to small £10 bettors, that’s life changing £9,800 in the back pocket, all TAX FREE and in just 10 weeks.
Click Here To Find Out More On Jamie & Super Tips
Jamie dedicated approach specialises in singles, each way bets, doubles and trebles. He has followed this approach for many years and it certainly knows how to find the winners as you can see.
This is incredible tipping!!
Jamie has proved himself, put his money where his mouth is and simply blown other tipsters out of the water.
You only have to see this chart (CLICK HERE) to see why, with over 471 points in May. Can he smash the 500 point barrier this weekend…you bet he can!!
Membership limited to just 200 – Few Places Left - Take Action Today!
This service is one you need to get involved in, its hard to ignore these profits, so check this out today and give Jamie a trial run. He has an army of followers and only a small number of places are left, so you need to ACT FAST on this one before all places are gone!!
Click Here To Profit The Super Tips Way
Best Wishes,
Your No1 Betting Buddy