Hi , Well it’s been a phenomenal 48 hours with so many of you taking up your early bird notice offer for The Formula. But I do not want YOU to miss out... ...Not surprisingly places on the 3-month deal are going like HOT CAKES! We have seen winners every day since launch. Yesterday: BREATH CAUGHT WON @ 4/1 Wednesday: ROLLING MAUL WON @ 6/1 If you haven’t joined - there is still time but VERY FEW places left! Click Here To Grab Your 3-Month Special Offer Here's another quick reminder on what you can expect;
Don’t delay – take advantage of the 3-month offer and join The Formula right now at LOW cost! This is near capacity - ACT NOW! Click Here To Grab The Low Cost 3-Month Deal I really don’t want you to miss out on this so please do act fast. Kind Regards, The Formula & Betfan |