23rd September 2018

Hello again


If statistics prove anything – and statistics prove that they do! – you might wonder why I am highlighting the 5th placed service in our league table before a couple of other above it. Well the main reason is that points profit is probably not the best guide to a service.

By using the capital progress metric you can check how your bank stands in relation to its starting point rather than find that despite making a gazillion points profit you have only increased your bank by a small amount. This is always a tell tale sign when looking at a new service – if 1 point level stakes are suggested then take it as a big plus in the assessment. If the standard stake is 5 or more points you know that the figures are probably being massaged for marketing purposes.

Another type of service I have strong reservations about is the information providers. With the best will in the world it is going to be difficult to obtain valid information about every runner in a race and so the opinion expressed to form the basis of a bet is already flawed. Just look at the way trainers express their hopes in interviews and articles – they always leave room for the others.


So you may ask why I am highlighting a service – Racing Intelligence – that is based on information. Well, the information here is based on a very telling factor rather than gossip. The bookies know that when certain parties place bets their subject is likely to perform. This service has contacts that know when such bets are placed and can advise the subscribers before the price gets hammered too far.

As soon as a bet is known subscribers are alerted by SMS with pricing and staking advice included. The individual sets his own point value and bets – win or each way – are advised at up to 10 points maximum. The average so far has been just under 4 points staked. The selections tend to be advised in the morning of racing but can appear at any time during the day.

After a slow start the service has generated strong profits. The review shows 208.30 points gained since the start in February and so far in September we have seen another 10.40 added. I suggested a starting bank of 50 points would be sensible for the service and if you followed this you would now have seen your capital increase by 437.4% at a return on stakes invested of 27.96%. You can see the full review here The chart shows bank growth based on £50 per point staking.

The author suggests that subscribers need to be staking serious amounts to make the service valuable – but even if you were staking £20 per point  you would have covered the subs around 6 times. The subscription is at the top end of the market but has certainly been justified so far. The base cost has been £3.73 per point.

There is a 30 day unconditional guarantee offered so you can check out the service with no risk.


Any thoughts or questions welcomed – just email me on [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any other services that you would like checked out do let me know.

Until the next time take care

Peter Philipson
