This Just Keeps Surprising us!

3rd June 2018


Hi ,

This just keeps surprising us but in the nicest way possible it must be said.

We rush released it because we were so impressed both with the service and the fact it bet in a new market for us and was doing so with such aplomb.

But as with any rush release their is always a small gamble (Although it applies to most launches in truth) that we have already seen the best og the service and they will not eb able to maintain those proofed results.

But the great news for us and you is that this service just keeps surprising us and in fact going from strength to strength.

The real; beuaty is that it si simply so easy to follow and its making huge profits.

You don’t get a much easier way to make horse racing profits than this…

  1. Every afternoon or evening place a few bets
  2. Wake up in the morning and check results
  3. Count Your winnings

Sounds ideal doesn’t it?

During May I woke to some pretty spectacular daily profits…

11th May +20

15th May +180.80

16th May +177.54

19th May +200.65

27th May +79.10

In total you could have made +510.82 points profit in May from following one tipster who solely bets on Australian horse racing.

Would you like to copy this? Then use the link below and you can join Racing Down Under for a fraction of the normal cost.

Special Offer – Get 90-Days For The Price of 30 Days

All bets can be placed the afternoon or the night before as Australian racing takes place while we sleep here in the UK.

Racing Down Under is proving a BIG HIT and profits are being made VERY FAST indeed!

March +136.92

April +163.92

May +510.82

That’s +811.66 point’s profit in just three months!

This is not ‘inside info but a proven strategy based on sound principles that is so powerful it racks up profits at a VERY fast rate.

Use this special deal below to get 90-days for just £37 effectively giving you TWO MONTHS for free!

Click Here To Wake Up To Big Racing Profits

Every horse advised is primed to win using the proven strategy.

It’s so easy to follow – open your email (normally afternoons) and place bets at your leisure. Go to bed and wake up with CASH in the bank!

It works a treat !

Access to see proofing and every single bet ever advised HERE

Forget UK racing – go down under and you can make some very big profits – but you need to action now!

Just 41p a day is a small price to pay for profits like these!

Click Here – 3 Months For The Price of One!

Best Regards,

Betfan Group Members Area