Hi %%First Name%%
Something a little bit different for you Today
An exciting New gaming venture is coming very very soon and you are one fo the very fist to hear about it
We have to admit this has Got Us Very Excited!
One of the Country's biggest Gaming Companies are doing something very new and we have had a sneak preview of what is to come
This is a secret that has been kept for well over a Year and will launch Week commencing 25th May we are reliably informed
Its a brand New Online product that we are sure you will love and almost everyone you know will also want to know about
Ordinary People will be having Fun , socialising and best of all MAKING MONEY!
You're one of the very first to hear about this and YOU can get involved at the very start of something we believe is going to be HUGE and create some substantial Incomes for many people
At this stage just register your interest to learn more with no obligation and we will be letting you know as soon take off time arrives
We think this is going to be very exciting for everyone involved so make sure you're registered to learn more when it all kicks off
Kind Regards
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