140 Points Profit In One Day – More Than 3.5K With a £25 Bet!
Hi ,
Today we are giving you some double delight with a service that provides jackpot winnings from small stakes which you can join with no recurring subscription.
One of the existing members is certainly delighted with a racing advisory service that combines horses from two races in standout doubles on a daily basis.
This is what a very satisfied customer had to say about Daily Doubles:
“WOW what a day! A big Thank You to Daily Doubles. Please keep up the good work. Many Thanks from Nigel”
Sometimes banging in the winners is taken for granted but we love to hear about your great betting days thanks to tips from our various platforms.
Yesterday saw one huge winning double which returned 142 Points form a 1 Point Stake!
If you had applied a stake unit of £25 that equates to £3,550.00 extra cash in your pocket from just ONE DAY!
We have seen many other big days including....
Jester Jet and Zerachial – DOUBLE WON 51.00 Points
Zerachial and Pure Vision – DOUBLE WON 39.00 Points
Jester Jet and Pure Vision – DOUBLE WON 31.50 Points
Daily Doubles has the potential to deliver big returns from modest stakes because it uses the power of multiplying combined odds.
You can see for yourself with a One Off Payment and No Recurring Subscription!
Don’t Miss The Next Jackpot Double – CLICK HERE!
Clearly winning over 120 points in one day is exceptional and there will be some disappointments. But WE have also seen plenty of other smaller winners with a double delivering a tidy profit of 65 Points for example.
I hope you now see the potential for Daily Doubles – it brings together two nicely priced horses and the odds are multiplied.
Did you know that two winners at 5/1 pay 35/1 in a double?
Bets like this are the domain of Daily Doubles.
How can you ignore these opportunities, more so when you can have a look with NO RECURRING SUBSCRIPTION!
Winning Daily Doubles like the two over the last week or so have helped the service produce these superb results:
+ 694.89 Points All Time = £16,247 Profit with £25 bets
This is the NUMBER ONE service for your Daily Doubles!
This is something that produces an impressive return on investment and you can see all the detailed proofed results: CLICK HERE!
All done using just one point level stakes.
The second massive positive is the SPECIAL DEAL on the site.
No Recurring Subscription For Daily Doubles – CLICK HERE!
The buzz of backing a winner is one of life’s simplest pleasure but the joy is multiplied when another horse wins to complete a double.
Today you can get involved and enjoy that feeling of JACKPOT WINS with no recurring subscription.
The next JACKPOT DAY could be soon on the way! You can book your Daily Doubles action with a ONE OFF PAYMENT TODAY!
Don’t Miss The Next Big Double Win – CLICK HERE!
Mega 4 Betting