Aintree Kicks Off Tomorrow! And It's Not Too Late To Bet With The Very Best...
Hi %%First Name%%,
WOW! Just one more sleep and then we're treated to 3 amazing days at Aintree! It's been a long wait but at last we're at the final hurdle and all at BetFan are very excited at the potential profits to be made over the coming 3 days.
The Grand National Festival is regarded by many professionals as the Showcase of the year whilst featuring the worlds most famous race and we've got a super offer for you. And I mean a SUPER OFFER!!! But Hurry, the price goes up Tonight!
This year we have the talents of Andy Bell advising over the 3 days and they've already got 15 - 20 top bets lined up.
We have hired one of the best and most respected Race Advisors in the UK to help our readers profit from this exciting 3 day event! This is much, much more than just a tipping service as you'll soon witness! It's extremely unique so do make sure you take a few minutes to really consider this opportunity.
At previous Major Festivals this guy has found his followers some fantastic winners!If you were involved in our Cheltenham 2015 service it will reassure you to know that the service that delivered 42 points profit over those 4 days was Andy Bell and we've hired him for the 3 days at Aintree!
Note; Andy Bell gave all our readers the Grand National winner last Year with Pineau De Re, advised at 28/1 with some readers getting as much as 33/1.
Time is running out fast so click the link below and lock in you membership position!
Have a Top Pro Bettor watching your back during the festival and help YOU Beat the rest of the Betting crowd!
The joining fee is set at a reasonable Level to allow for maximum profits for all involved! Take Advantage ASAP!
Kind Regards
PS. We are out to WIN BIG and here's your chance to copy every bet on every race! Whatever you do have a wonderful Aintree and good luck on the Grand National.