Hi ,
Today’s article is short but very important. It’s one of the steps in managing your betting professionally that most punters leave out. However… it’s one of the most important steps if you want to improve!
Once a year you need to look back over the last twelve months and analyse your results.
The first thing to check is your overall profit or loss.
Make a note of it and then break your selections down into different race types.
Make a note of which race type you are performing better in and which you are performing worse in.
Next… repeat this process for:
1. Strike Rate
2. ROI
3. Impact Values (optional)
Ideally you’d want to break these results down into even more specific race conditions including course, distance and going. But the above three are the absolute minimum.
Once you’ve done this you will have in your hands the information you need to blueprint your betting plan for another year.
Start with ROI and look to see which race conditions are producing you the best ROI. Write down a list of which race conditions produce the best all the way to worst. Then... repeat this with profit.
Next you want to compare profit to ROI.
Depending on the number of selections, take the top third race conditions you are performing best in. You should find that this covers most of your best profits using both profit and ROI.
These are the race conditions you are going to be betting more on over the next twelve months.
If you haven’t made a profit from the conditions you’ve performed best in, then these are going to be the race conditions you’re going to focus on improving at over the next twelve months. After all, you're closest to being profitable with these race conditions and you should be able to bring them into profit.
The middle third of your list are the ones that you need to work on. If you're already making profits with the top third of your list then your focus over the next twelve months will be on the middle third. By the end of the next twelve months these race conditions should be profitable for you.
Finally, the bottom third are the conditions you should discard and no longer bet on.
You have more than enough race conditions to concentrate on with the top two thirds and you should focus on maximising these.
Back next Monday.
Michael Wilding