Hi ,
Last night I told you I had found someone who represents the holy grail of Tipping!
I know loads of you jumped on board and to say I love it when a plan comes together really doesn't do justice to what happened today!
My mail box is bulging with thank you E mails already but I must admit as good as I knew this service was I didn't expect what happened Today!
Over 500 Points Profit in one day of betting!
Come the morning you will be able to see ALL the proofed results HERE
I am talking about a Tipping service which has made a profit of over 1100 Points since it launched in mid April.(Even before Today's superb results)
The same service when proofed to Betfair SP (Starting Price) has actually made over 1400 Points.
So no messing around scrambling between bookmakers and no danger of your accounts being shut down!
Impressed? You really should be as this is as rare to find as rocking horse s***!
No losing Months and increased profits to Betfair SP over BOG - Its a No-Brainer getting involved and its certainly not overpriced with a very reasonable monthly cost.
Betting at £10 a Point this service is delivering Monthly profits of over £4k for members.
Keith the man behind this service is a genuine bloke using his real name, not hiding behind a pseudonym and is very confident its a name you will remember for all the right reasons.
I have been following Keith for a good few weeks now with superb results and you can join me by CLICKING HERE
Do not hang around though and miss Fridays Bets and also after Today it wouldn't surprise me if the membership full signs are up very soon!
See you on the other side
Kind Regards
Stephen - BF Sports