A Few Places Now Available...But Be Quick!
Hi ,
We have urgent news for you today and we just know you will be interested in this.
Our premium Insider Club 50 service, which passes on information not normally in the public domain, has a few places available.
Believe me, this is an opportunity not to be missed.
SIX winners from the last eight advised bets!
If you want to bet with the best and be privy to high-class information grab one of these places now.
Special Deal – Try it first, get 21 days of quality bets for just £21…just £1 a day for this exclusive inside information!
ACT FAST – Join Inside Club 50 NOW!
* If there are no pay buttons on that page then I am really sorry…it’s already full!
From just 2-5 high quality bets a week you will shown exactly how to make your betting pay, plus every bet is fully explained so you know why the bet is being placed.
The mission is simple; to give you long term and consistent profits with enough excitement for you to really enjoy being part of this unique betting venture.
Not every bet wins of course but with a historical winning strike rate of 66.67% winners are NEVER far away!
HURRY – Just a few places are currently available and we want to fill them fast!
JOIN NOW – Secure Your Place While You Can
Latest bet wins…
Debonaire David’s last two efforts are proving to be strong form and his win at Lingfield on 22nd June was impressive. He seems to have been let off lightly by the handicapper with just a 3lb rise for recent Lingfield win. Shane Kelly takes the mount and the horse wears his customary tongue tie. Tonight 2/1 is offered by several firms so please take at best odds guaranteed. Horse drawn well and over best trip.
Debonaire David - WON 9/4!!
This is not just another tipster; you get a full race briefing and post race report for every bet advised.
With the strongest book of contacts in the game Insider Club 50 is the place to be if you want to WIN!
Hopefully there will be places left, so head over and grab yours now…try it for 21 days at low cost!
ACT NOW For This Low Cost Trial Deal
Best Wishes,
PS. Our apologies if the pay buttons have been removed it means the club is full again. Good luck