IMPORTANT - Personal Message and Very Special Offer for

1st March 2017

Hi ,

This is a personal E mail from me to thank you for your support in the past of the Betfan Group and I sincerely hope your continued support.

This message is going out to 50 Hand Selected Betfan Customers only who we think have shown us excellent continued support over the past few Years. (Not necessarily our biggest payers, just 50 Members we believe have shown us good and loyal support)

It contains a personal invite for you and an excellent saving/discount related to the BIG News coming out of Betfan this Week.

I am sure you have seen the numerous E mails about Betfan Group Premium which officially launches Thursday but will be sent to the Early Bird List Wednesday Evening.

However as a personally selected Customer you can visit the page below and get first view of what is on Offer but please do not join yet and certainly not via that page.


Betfan Premium came about after many Months consultation with a number of Members (I am sure including some of you) who felt if they bought more Betfan group products they should get better savings.

Members of Betfan Premium as you will see will get this and much much more ongoing, giving some fantastic value for money particularly for our best customers.

Now to be totally straight and upfront everyone needs to be aware the discounts will not apply retrospectively, so will only apply to new future full price subscriptions, to do anything else would have just caused us an administrative hell in truth.

So refunds will not be randomly granted on current subscriptions relating to any Betfan Premium Members, however for our better customers you will very quickly see benefit way and beyond the Yearly cost of being a Member and that doesn't even begin to take into account the whole host of freebies you get just for joining.

Betfan Premium is aimed at you  and our other most loyal Customers.

With that in mind we are going to make this even better for you and give you an instant 25% discount on the first Year cost to thank you for your previous loyalty.

No one else but the 50 hand selected customers will get this offer, the early Bird list will be offered a far smaller discount and only the 50 People I have chosen will even see this discounted offer.


You might decide this is not for you and that is fine, but the offer stands and is good until the end of the Weekend.

We sincerely hope you choose to join us in Betfan Group Premium and grab all the great benefits but if not please accept our thanks again for your continued support.

For Non Betfan Premium Members nothing changes and everything will continue the same so the choice is left with you !




Simon Marriott - CEO

Betfan - Sports Betting Advisory Management

P.S. The Offer is good until Midnight Sunday, you can read all about Betfan Group Premium HERE but make sure you click below to grab your exclusive deal.