Hi ,
Exciting news tonight for any punter out there who is bored with the run of the mill tipping service.
Khalid, a professional race bettor for over 12 years contacted our friends BetKudos at the end of last year wanting to launch a Yankee betting club.
As always live proofing was required and what followed was spectacular!
After just 6 weeks Khalid had delivered a huge +523.01 Points Profit!!!
December 2016 +32.85 (just 2 days proofed 30th/31st)
January 2017 +289.38
February 2017 +200.78 (up to 13th)
CLICK HERE To Get Involved Today!
Impressed with Khalid’s results BetKudos rushed to make the Yankee Jackpot Club live ASAP!
Khalid spends up to 3 hours a day finding the best horses to put into Yankees and now you can share that winning Jackpot feeling!
CLICK HERE While Places Are Available!
Best Wishes,
PS. So far this year the Yankee Jackpot Club is flying with +490.16 Points Profit. Get involved today at the low cost currently available!