Great Offer For Superb Winning Service

15th September 2016

Hi ,  

There is a service we want to tell you about today that is the top performer in the Betfan Group. What is more you can subscribe for 28 days at £33 and there will be no recurring subscription. That means you can choose to go no further after this initial period or extend your membership if you like what the service offers.   

Lucky 7 Naps current position is a profit of almost 5,000 points since proofing began in January 2014. These consistent results over a sustained period of time suggest this is one of the best services in the horse racing tipster market. 


Today we are giving you the opportunity to join Lucky 7 Naps at half the price than for a regular month. That means you can receive winning racing information for four weeks at a special price of £33. This is a great deal for a service that is the second best performer on Bet Kudos in 2016 and only less successful than Lucky 7 Longshots that is the work of the man behind Lucky 7 Naps. 

You can try this racing tipster for 28 days in an offer which we know you will love because no recurring subscriptions are involved.


Lucky 7 Naps has provided a stream of winners since it was first launched and has made a solid start in September showing a profit of £6833.00 at £100 per point. That equates to long term and short term profits for something you can get involved in today for 28 days at £33 with no recurring fees. 

You will be joining a service that since proofing began has averaged over 140 point’s monthly profit. You can look at all the results and the proofing graph HERE.

That truly is a superb record of consistent profits over 33 months and don’t forget you can try Lucky 7 Naps for one month without having to worry about recurring subscription costs. There are a multitude of racing services that you can join but Lucky 7 Naps takes some beating when it comes to consistently winning over the long haul.   

Past results indicate that this is one of the best services you can join and for a 50% discount compared to the normal monthly price but for a limited amount of time. Demand will be huge for such a proven winner so we suggest to ensure you get in on the Lucky 7 Naps action: 


One of the attractions of Lucky 7 Naps is that it focuses on win only bets which many people like. There are no each way wagers or laying bets but rather a regular supply of bets on horses to win. Four weeks is a fair trial but we believe you will be so impressed with the profits that you will extend your membership. Lucky 7 Naps gives subscribers winners all week. 

On joining the service you will get advice about how to stake your bets and work with a betting bank. The thinking behind Lucky 7 Naps is long term profits but you can take a view for an initial 28 days with no recurring charges. You will be privy to information to maximise your profits from horses that win. 

So, if you are looking for some consistent profits from horse racing we suggest you don’t delay and take advantage of this temporary half price offer.


Best Regards, 

Bookmaker Insider