Hi ,
One of the basics of racing is that the horse that can cover the distance of a race in the shortest time will be the winner and time is a vital ingredient of a new service called “Time Lord”. The winners the system produces could cause you so much shock that you may have to call the Doctor. Doctor who? I here you asking but this is not a fantasy about time travel but a real tipping service based on speed. Every bet is for 1 point which equates to level stakes profits.
The Time Lord selections are taken from a system based on speed ratings. The thinking behind the ratings has been refined over a number of years and the Time Lord himself, Barry Harrington, is confident now is the right time to launch this service with Betfan. His theories and selections based on time have passed our in-depth and vigorous vetting process so time is now of of the essence.
Betfan and Barry have been working together proofing the Time Lord since April of this year. The service has a history of consistency over four full months which is long enough to measure performance. In that time there have been no losing months and the service involves low risk money management. Clearly, Barry’s faith in speed ratings is justified and now for the first time you can benefit.
Here are some highlights of the proofing process:
To launch this new service we are offering you the chance to judge for yourself with a special one time payment option which gives you access to the tips for 21 days. Early members can enjoy a low cost subscription covering one and three months. If you commit for the longer period you get a full month for free. If you take the 21 day option there will be no recurring subscriptions but the quality of the service will make it hard to resist over a longer period of time.
Speed ratings are a popular way of measuring the relative ability of horses in a race. They are not the be the be all and end all because ground conditions may vary but they have pointed Barry in the right direction enough times for him to hone a betting system based on time. He has created a formula of great value and the logic behind it is based on a horse’s speed rating and how quickly the ground is covered.
Losing days do happen but that is the case with every tipping service but the good days massively offset the bad ones with the Time Lord. For simplicity most of the bets advised by the Time Lord are straight wins and all for one point so level stakes profits but from time to time he throws in a big-priced each way selection. In any case the strike rate is outstanding and the results have passed the test of time. Doctor Who would travel a million years to get involved. Tips are delivered early in the morning so you have plenty of time to place your bets.
Barry sums up the approach he has applied to the Time Lord: “The key to my success and being able to do this myself full time was consistency, not chasing the big jackpot but making myself very sizeable profits month in and month out”. He is now ready to pass on his speed related tips to you and Barry is confident he can deliver so the Time Lord would be a positive addition to your betting portfolio.
Thank-you for reading this message and your time is appreciated by the Time Lord.
Best Regards,