Hi ,
Betting’s Most Amazing New Product…
Today I want to tell you about a sensational new product.
It’s still in beta testing at the moment.
But the results it gets are beyond staggering.
And if you want to try it out, you can.
It’s called Profit Recall.
And it’s probably the smartest bit of kit on the market today.
When this comes out of testing it’s going to be huge.
(It’s already a bit of a hit in testing.)
Here’s what it does...
You simply choose a race. Any race.
Profit Recall will then rank each horse in order of likelihood of winning.
1 = The most likely to win, and so on.
Er, how the hell does it do that?
This is the genius.
* It figures out the conditions of the race you chose.
* It scours the database of past races to find ones with similar race conditions.
* It analyses every single horse and every factor (there are 100s of these).
* It determines which factors were most important in a race
* Then it applies them to the race we’re analysing and lists the likely champions.
At the moment it’s still in beta, but if you get on board now, you’ll get a special low price.
CLICK HERE to get instant access to Profit Recall
All the best,