, Monday's Free Tip

16th May 2016

Hi ,

We’re just over half way through May and I see our old friend “Fold4Gold” is leading the way to some splendid profits this month.

You can keep an eye on all the top BetFan Group services at anytime by clicking the link below…

BetFan Group - The Champions

Fold4Gold is right up there and is confident of retaining that No.1 spot for the rest of the month. They’re also expecting some super wins over the summer months ahead.

Current members are enjoying +115.21 points profit so far for May and now you can join in the fun with a HUGE ongoing discount!

Normal membership is £19.99 a month but by using the link below you can join for just £10 a month…


You can learn more about “Fold4Gold” by Clicking Here but make sure you use the special link above to claim the discount.

Best Wishes,
