Does This Sound Familiar ?
Hi ,
Tonight I wanted to follow up on an E mail I sent you in Early February about a Service that looked like it could deliver on everything a punter wanted.
But first of all I wanted to know if this was a familiar experience for you as I actually believe nearly all of us have felt or experienced this at some time.
You join a new Service and it seems you give it the kiss of death, literally as soon as you join those profits disappear over a cliff and you get that here we go again feeling!
I suspect most Punters have been there at some time but today this actual experience could well present a great opportunity for YOU!
You see the Service in question that I mentioned to you in February was called Early Odds and at the time of writing I fully expected the Membership full sign to be going up very soon, it was that good.
In fact upon investigation I find the Service was indeed at full capacity for a Few Days and not accepting New Members but is now open again, So Why?
It wasn't a marketing ploy or the Tipster suddenly deciding he wanted to make more cash by allowing more Members in, the reason comes back to that familiar experience I mentioned earlier.
You see it had a Blip, a very minor one in real terms but for a couple of Weeks it lost more than it made, still the odd winner but nothing like the strike rate previous and what happened was no surprise the New Joiners started to PANIC!
You see PATIENCE or lack of it is the Punters biggest enemy. It was interesting that the only people jumping ship were the very recent joiners, the ones that had been there since the start fully knew the power of this Service.
Its also interesting to note that only betting one point level stakes and still with the Odd Winner Early Odds certainly wasn't falling off a cliff, in fact at no time in March was it ever showing a loss overall but I fully understand that familiar sinking feeling those new joiners must have had.
So what has happened since those difficult couple of Weeks? Well Early Odds has not only recovered all those minor losses it has in fact gone from strength to strength and is once again at the very top of the WIN Top Performers Chart for March - SEE HERE
It tops the chart despite only using 1 Point stakes and competes on those charts with others betting at much higher stakes, it really is a very impressive performance.
I can't honestly say I blame some of those people for jumping ship, I just hope they carried on following the Tips during their subscription period, I am sure if they did then they would now be looking to rejoin.
A superb 63 Points using one point level stakes in March is another great performance.
In an ideal world you want to give a Service at least a quarter plus minimum to prove itself but please give it at least a Month bare minimum in future if you recognise the story above.
So on to the here and now . .
Early Odds now has 23 Places available AGAIN which is fantastic News if your not yet on board and if you are one who jumped ship to soon you may still have time to claim your spot back.
Now might be a good time to revisit exactly what makes this Service so good for the punter . . .
We get asked many times for services that post night before racing, plus services that bet to level stakes.
Well this service from the guys at WIN does BOTH, so if you’re looking for some awesome winning horses with early odds the night before racing, plus all bets are to 1 point level stakes, then this is it!
Early Odds is the brainchild of Max, a professional computer programmer and horse racing enthusiast. He leaves nothing to chance in his quest to keep beating the bookmakers at there own game.
You can CLICK HERE for full exciting details.
Max has shown us how he calculates his seriously good horse racing selections, and in a word they are AWESOME!
Since November 12th 2015 to now Max has shown the punting power of what he does and what a difference it can make to your betting.
+344.32 Points Profit ALL To One Point LEVEL STAKES!
Every single bet is advised to the all important 1-point level stakes. Its been amazing to watch as big winners have been landed time and time again, like...
Virnon @ 16/1, Cumbrian Farmer @ 20/1, San Quentin @ 7/1 and Queen Aggie @ 10/1 to name a few.
The key to his success is that he is able to calculate the odds much better than the bookies, this give a HUGE profitable angle. The highly successful algorithm picks the bets, and then REAL odds are calculated…BOOM!
Plus 90% of bets are given by 10pm the night before racing!
How much is 18 points a week betting 1 point level stakes worth to you?
£10 per selection = £180 per week
£20 per selection = £360 per week
£50 per selection = £900 per week
£100 per selection = £1,800 per week
Remember, no staking plan, no hype, just proven 1 point level stake bets advised the night before racing.
CLICK HERE – Do NOT Miss This!
This strategy has worked perfectly for years and now you have the perfect opportunity to get one over on the bookmakers and beating the odds.
This can be all yours for just pennies a day.
BOOM...Latest Winners...
IT'S OSCAR @ 10/1
AS DE FER @ 10/1
This service is beating the bookmakers, beating the odds and making HUGE profits...take action!
Get the Early Odds the night before racing NOW!
Remember if you do manage to claim one of those remaining places then please be patient and I am very confident with the service your patience will be more than rewarded.
Best Wishes,
Stephen - BF Sports Betting Group
PS. Just 23 Places available - If you still need convincing, then checkout every single bet advised HERE