Welcome To Your Tipster Planet Full Membership

17th January 2017

Hi ,

Thank you for joining us at Tipster Planet as a Full Paid Member!

It's a pleasure to have you as a member and the whole team hope you enjoy the experience.

Tipster Planet Exists as a Platform for Potential Tipster Services.

Tipsters will be proofing their Bets via the platform allowing us and you to follow their progress.

All with a view to us Taking their Service to Launch on one of our Tipster Managed Services Platforms.

As a Paid Member you can now follow their progress on the Tipster Planet Members Area and get their advice each Day as soon as it's posted. You can choose which Tipsters you wish to follow or you can follow them all.

You should by now have received an E mail with your Log In Details for the Members Area

If you have not received your Log In Details then please contact us via the Support Centre HERE with subject line Log In Details Required


Please Note you can Log in Each Day on the Members Area to collect your Tips, the selections from the services you choose to follow will also be emailed out to you but note we can never guarantee the delivery fo e mails.

Once logged in go to the Tipsters section and click the follow button next to those tipsters you wish to follow and their tips will be emailed out to you as soon as they are posted by the Tipster. You will of course also be able to look at all the Tips as soon as they are posted on the Members area but you can also select particular Tipsters you wish to follow. So for example if you wished to follow the top 5 Tipsters for last Month you just click the follow button next to them and from that point onwards they will appear every Day in your My Tips section on the Members Area plus you will get the e mails.

This will mean you can be selective in what you wish to view and just have what you consider to be the Top Tipsters posting in your own My Tips section and also sent to you by email.

You can of course still access all the other Tips at any time and you can also change who you follow or unfollow at any time

Note once we decided to take a proofing Tipster to a Live Service their Tips will no longer be available!

This however represents a Great Chance for you to view a varied selection of Quality Tipsters at Very Low Cost


We may also email you from time to time with Tipster Planet or General Betting News

If you fancy yourself as a Tipster you are of course welcome to proof your selections to us


Any questions at all then please feel free to contact us any time via our Support Centre


Thank you for joining us here at Tipster Planet

Best Wishes,

The Tipster Planet Team (Betfan Group Ltd)