Ante Post Double of Over 1700/1 Is Available...
Hi ,
Good Morning and Welcome. This is the first in a series of messages I will be putting out every week and I hope to offer a few pearls of wisdom if I possibly can.
I started my 2016 Service on Thursday and on the first day and with the first Maximum Bet of the year we land a 5/1 Winner. Those of you burgling Betfair got as high as 7.6 to fair money. The beauty of my service this year is that we will be getting the Winners AND the Prices.
I have been sharpening my act to make sure the coming season is the best ever. I have been improving my ratings; recalibrating my speed figures; making sure my best contacts are still breathing and haven’t died on me and I have bought a brand new cd player to record the racing and the reruns. This new player is brilliant – slow motion HD fast forward, the works. My Mrs is convinced I have only bought it to watch ‘prawn’. She won’t believe me. Why is that women never believe you when you tell the truth. The only time they believe you is when you are telling them Porkies – which is just as well, I suppose!!
Part of my success in this game is down to sheer hard work. I think it was Thomas Edison, the inventor, who said that “The harder I work, the luckier I am” (or was it Gary Player?).
Anyway, one thing that Edison definitely said is that Hard Work won’t kill you but Stress and Worry will. By working hard I hope to make your betting stress free and worry not this term. Recently I had a romantic evening with my Mrs. Afterwards I asked her if it was alright. “That was hard work” was her reply. I wondered what she meant????
I love Ante Post Betting. The only trouble is that the Cheltenham Markets at the moment are moribund (that’s a good word, look it up in the dictionary). Put another way there is precious little happening. The reason being is that Willie Mullins is holding so many aces at the moment it is pointless having a bet at this stage. Nearly every race that matters is dominated by the Irish Maestro. Here’s an idea! Why don’t we all decamp to Willie Mullins training yard; order a tanker of Guinness and two ton of Bacon Sandwiches and hold the main events on Willie’s gallops. That way we could save ourselves four days of fighting the crowds and wasting half the time trying to order a hooch or waiting yonks for a pee. I think it’s a great idea. The only improvement I can think of is to order two tankers of Guinness!!
My Mrs calls me ’Rust’. ‘Why is that Dear? I enquired. ‘Because you never sleep’ she replies. One thing is for sure I never sleep when it comes to the Ante Post Markets – I am always having a gander to see if anything is happening. The Cheltenham Markets might be in slumber at the moment but there are a couple of Sleeping Beauties I definitely want to take an interest in for Epsom in June. It might be freezing January at the moment but the thought of Sunny Days on the Downs just makes me feel so much better.
For Clients subscribing to my 2016 Service I am providing a 66/1 shot for The Derby and a 33/1 fancy for The Oaks. When it comes to The Classics my favourite race of the year is The Derby. The 2,000 Guineas comes too quick. Horses have only just got their summer coats and there have been a right few turn ups over time and even in the recent past with Makfi @ 33/1 and Night of Thunder @ 40/1 just to mention a couple. Even Camelot was all out to beat a 12/1 French shot.
The Derby is a different kettle of fish and it always goes to a well backed fancied horse. Golden Horn wasn’t even entered for The Derby this time last year but the horse I have in mind most definitely is. It is essential to have the right breeding and that is the first thing ticked for my Contender. When it comes to looks he has wonderful conformation. My Oaks filly has already won her race and is being specially prepared for Epsom. She too has right royal breeding with a sublime physique to match. An Ante Post Double of over 1700/1 is available at the moment but this wont last long so it is essential to get on board NOW.
If these two cop we are all off to Acapulco – and we are NOT coming back!!!!!
Be Lucky and may The Gambling Gods be with you.
Back next Saturday.
Chris Anzani Racing
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