Hi ,
As you may know BetFan own 4 Tipster Platforms in BetFan, WIN, BetKudos & Tipster TV.
As it stands each of these platforms homes its own affiliate program.
Its been in demand for a long while that we have just the one affiliate program that encompasses all our services across all platforms.
The good news is that we have been working very hard behind the scenes to make this happen and in the New Year we will launch "BetFan Plus."
This will be your new Affiliate Platform and it will home our services across all platforms plus much, much more!
Sorry to shout but this is very important in regards to the switch over.
We now need you to create a BetFan Plus Account which will import/merge all of your accounts within our group.
It's a very simple process, simply click the link below and follow any instructions...
Please note that we need to do this NOW prior to launching BetFan Plus to avoid silly complications.
The new affiliate platform will go live in January 2016 so until then you should continue using the original affiliate accounts on the platforms you're accustomed to.
We would really appreciate it if you could action this request right now and double check all information provided is 100% accurate to avoid delayed commissions in the New Year.
Have a wonderful Christmas and we'll be in touch very soon.
Kind Regards,