Bet Kudos Free Tips (Tips for 7th June 2017)

7th June 2017

BetKudos News:

Follow All The Best Tipsters For Peanuts!

There is no hiding place on Tipster Planet because all the members have open access to the best performing services on the proofing platform.

There are tables showing the most profitable each month so you can handpick the best.

Here is the Top 10 Point's Profit Chart for May:

1st Recovery Racing +407.33

Glendale Racing +305.64

My Grannies Lays +211.36

Value Wins +147.63

Forecast Fortunes +133.33

Nags Watchlist +102.52

The Morning Service +96.48

Sultan Tips +85.48

Lay God +73.35

Sixth Sense +72.60

This table shows the profit you could have made last month from the 10 best performing services!

+1635.72 POINTS!

That's over SIXTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS for just £10 bets.

Tipster Planet is where potential live services have to prove themselves and you can follow the future tipster superstars for peanuts every month.

Join Tipster Planet Today: CLICK HERE!

There are selected services on Tipster Planet that go live! Betfan will only promote the best subscription services to you and there is a long line of success stories.

This week we launched LayZy Profits on Betfan after producing a superb record since March: Over +480 Point's Profit.

LayZy Profits is the rebranded version of My Grannies Lays which you could have been following on Tipster Planet as it was smashing the tipster charts over the last three months.

Here is the full detailed proofing record for LayZy Profits - CLICK HERE!

You can subscribe to Tipster Planet to get a feel for the potential best services for a modest monthly fee of £19.99 or £34.99 a quarter. 39 PENCE A DAY OVER THREE MONTHS!

For More Information About Tipster Planet: CLICK HERE!

Tipster Planet provides a comprehensive range of sports betting tips, special offers and exclusive deals. But most importantly you can look at all the historical results of all the tipster on Tipster Planet.

Services on Tipster Planet are out to prove themselves. Leader boards and full proofing makes it easy for you to spot the talent.

A valuable quick way of assessing the profitability of each service is through the Top Performing Tipsters Table which shows the Top 10 Services.

If you had latched on to My Grannies' Lays in March and followed it since you would have made over 480 Points. Don't forget the top 10 services in May were +1635.72 Points In Front!

That shows the power of Tipster Planet!

Subscribe For A Low Monthly Fee When You CLICK HERE!


 Todays BetKudos Free Tip 

Courtesy of our managed service

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