Hi ,
The transfer window is open and we would like to announce a massive new star signing coming soon.
We cannot at this stage reveal who it is but let me tell you this is probably the best 1pt level stakes tipster we have ever seen and it will be an opportunity not to be missed.
HUGE bank growth every year for the last four years!
All will be revealed very soon – if you join our early bird list below for further details you’ll also be in line for a very exclusive special deal.
No obligation at all – Click here to receive further details
This is some one with a long history of success and you’ll be given access to four years of proofing that will leave you in no doubt just how good this is.
This is also someone who has also had many 4 and 5 star reviews from the biggest tipster review sites.
Here is what one top review site had to say...
"Probably the best tipster I have ever reviewed"
"I have no hesitation in strongly recommending it and award it 5/5!"
This is a massive signing and we want to you to be involved in this.
We are very excited about this, as we know this is going to be very profitable for our members.
Don’t hesitate – get your name on the list!
This signing is a game changer folks, make sure you are involved....
Best Wishes,
Tipster TV