Hi ,
If you are into betting on the horses and a regular race goer you may have heard of The Gentleman’s List.
It was always something you heard whispers on course about, but could not decipher whether it actually existed.
I am pleased to say….IT DOES!
It’s essentially a consortium of Gentlemen that pool together all their betting information each day.
Every day this unique list is sent to all members of the group and they have been cleaning up for years!
You can find out how you can join this group here.
The Gentleman’s List started proofing to the Betfan Group over 12 months ago and since then have gone on to make +895 points profit!
Over £89,000 To £100 A Point!
Not hard to see with winners like this…
View every bet advised – Click Here
This is information NOT in the public domain and tonight you have the perfect opportunity to join this elite inner circle of professional punters as its just gone 'live'.
Initially only 40 places are available, so you need to ACT FAST to ensure you don’t miss out!
Do not hesitate, click here now and get involved.
To show you just how good this information is...it makes a profit at Industry Starting Price.
You should NEVER bet at ISP but it’s a good yardstick for any service, use BOG (best odds guaranteed) prices and you will DOUBLE your return!!
May is proving another incredible month for TGL with +142.49 point’s profit and they are WIN’s No1 tipster – See Here
By making the decision to join The Gentleman’s List you will have access to a very powerful network of contacts, plus as a member you will enjoy an informed betting experience with outstanding full support and one that is VERY profitable indeed.
Be quick, just 40 places available so head over there now.
Best Wishes,
PS. Once the places have been filled it will shut up shop so act now to grab a place!