Proven strategy that made £2,936 to £50 stakes in 6 weeks!
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It takes two to tango and you will certainly be wanting to dance in celebration when you enjoy the results from a simple two horse formula for putting extra cash in your pocket.
There are many complex betting systems out there based on in depth analysis and staking plans but the Select Two System applies some very basic principles to the art of making money betting on horse racing.
Stakes are all based on one level point units but combining two banker horses in a double and two singles (Stake = 3 units) is simple and effective.
The system identifies two horses each day and multiplies the odds if both win with the security of a winning single if one horse does not deliver.
The simplicity means there is a minimum time investment so you can place your bets the night before racing.
For More Information About Select Two CLICK HERE!
This does what it says on the label: two selections each day that are backed in a double and two singles
Its effectiveness was displayed just last Friday:
Laraaib WON at 11/4 for +2.75 Points Profit
Faithful Promise WON at 2/1 for +2.00 Points Profit
THE DOUBLE PAID 10.25/1 for +10.25 Points Profit
That’s a simple and effective way of making +15 Points Profit to level stakes!
It’s a bit of a cliché I know but this is not rocket science. (Whatever that means!) This type of betting will build your bank steadily and deliver long term profits….based on just a few minutes of your time on the night before the two races.
We call it the Daily Double that can win you some big money. Potentially about £6,000 in a typical year.
Don’t Miss The Next Winning Double – CLICK HERE!
The intrinsic beauty of the Select Two System is that you have two chances to return a profit. One winner does no damage but when both horses win you get a BIG BONUS return.
It’s a proven strategy that made £2,936 to £50 stakes in 6 weeks.
This low risk, simple and effective system produces the goods for your betting profits.
Select Two is based on small level stakes and steady profits which you can purchase for the one-time fee of £39.97 – CLICK HERE!
STOP PRESS: You can get your copy of Select Two for free with many other superb benefits by joining the Betfan Premium.
This is a multi-benefit package that brings together many of Betfan’s best features at a non-Premium price!
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Best Regards,