Was Friday The 13th Unlucky For You?

16th January 2017

Was Friday The 13th Unlucky For You?

Hi ,

It certainly wasn’t for one group of savvy investors, they placed two bets taking a maximum of two minutes and walked away with a handsome profit.

Then on a busy Saturday these savvy investors placed another four bets, all FOUR made a handsome profit.

So for a total of 7 minutes placing some easy bets this group walked away with +22.5 points profit.

Lets say you bet £10 a point, that’s £225 for 7 minutes work, I say work, but its hardly work, you could place the bets whilst having a coffee!

This exclusive group do this on a regular basis and have done for over two years making steady on-going profits.

Take a look at this graph and you’ll see there performance is very good – VIEW HERE

Pretty damn good hey! Well tonight you have the perfect opportunity to test this exclusive Football Investors service – Your first month is just £9.97!!


The "Football Investor" service delivers to you top quality football bets whenever the system produces a top value bet for profit! This can be 3, 6 or on rare occasions 10 Plus high quality bets a week all provided with advised stakes.

For example, here are the bets from Friday and Saturday as mentioned above.

Six bets and SIX winning bets!

With worldwide football betting opportunities all year round, the Football Investor service runs a full 12 months of the year, no summer off for these savvy investors.

Try it tonight for one month – It will cost you just £9.97 and there is no-obligation to continue if you don’t want to, you can cancel at anytime.


This not going to make you rich overnight but please remember, this is extra cash, tax-free profits to spend on whatever takes your fancy. Plus it's extra cash for just taking a few minutes out to place some clever bets each week.

If you can spare a few minutes each week then you can join the astute Football Investors group and make these tax-free cash profits.


Whether you like football or not, it doesn’t matter, if you like making money then this moneymaking opportunity with the Football Investor is a MUST!

Take advantage of the ‘special offer’ and try it for a month a see how you get on.

Kind Regards,

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