Hi ,
They often say the proof is in the pudding, well we reckon that when a service has given a full 12 months of Tips and is showing massive Success then it has without doubt proved its ability
When that Tipster is still prepared to offer new members a low cost extended Trial to test his wares it also shows you the confidence he has that this record is going to continue!
Did YOU Make £21,000 From your Betting in the Last Year ?
What is the main thing you really want from your sports betting?
OK, it should be obvious…to make a Profit!!!
Therefore, does it really matter to you what sport you bet on, as long as you make a decent profit?
Again, it should be obvious…no it doesn’t!!!
Well what if I told you that you could of turned a £1,000 betting bank into £14,412.67 from betting on Greyhound racing.
Not possible you maybe thinking?
Think again…I have been following a Betfan service called Dog Race Wagers for the last twelve months and they have proven that if you get the right advice it doesn’t matter a jot what sport you bet on.
£1,000 into £21,858 in Twelve Months!!
I would be ecstatic with that…wouldn’t you?
You Can Click Here To Find Out More
It’s quite incredible, Twelve months of continuous profits and truly amazing returns from simply re-investing your profits. Any Horse Racing service would be shouting from the rooftops with these returns.
WOW that is some incredible Profits and superb consistency - ONLY ONE LOSING MONTH EVER!
But no, Dog Race Wagers goes quietly under the radar happily churning out profit for its members month after month with envious consistency.
You see, many bettors simply turn there noses up at Greyhound racing, but if you have the right advice from people in the know, then let me tell you, those people who dismiss it are fools…Greyhound racing is a GOLDMINE in the right hands!!!
Even if you bet to flat stakes and pocketed the cash rather than re-invest, you still would be counting the cash to the tune of over £4,000 to £10 stakes.
But re-invest your profits and make MANY MANY TIMES that!!
What is more impressive is this. I have noticed that there SPECIAL offer is still on there website, not sure why really, but hey, lets use it to our advantage.
Here’s the deal on the site…
****************SPECIAL DEAL*****************
Try the service for the next 14 days for just £7 before
even considering full membership.
I couldn’t quite believe it was still there, but I am certain that it WILL be taken off very soon now. So make sure you hurry and get involved and try this out for yourself over the next 14 days.
If you want to check out the results, feel free CLICK HERE.
So you see, it does not matter what the sport is, its all about getting the right advice, all you have to do is follow it to the letter.
Twelve months of continuous profit and the potential returns Dog Race Wagers can make you as shown in this email, it’s a must for any bettor who ultimately wants to make a decent profit, then the fun really begins!
So grab your 14 day trial NOW. Test the service, get a feel for it, if its not for you, fair enough, you do not have to continue, there is no-obligation at all.
But on the past performance we have witnessed, like us, we think you’ll be a follower for a long time to come!
Grab This Fantastic Offer While You Still Can
Enjoy the 14-day trial!
Best Wishes,
Betfan Members Area