Speechless! - So Simple Yet BIG Profits...
Hi ,
I simply had to write to you this evening after a chance conversation with someone else in the industry today
Now first of all I should tell you that Chris who I was talking to has been around the industry for a long Time and in terms of Betting he has pretty much seen and done it all and is now a very successful professional Gambler in his own right.
I was talking to him about some of our Services and in particular the ones I look to follow myself and when I told him what I am now about to tell you he was literally speechless
This took me back a bit as I knew this particular Service was good but maybe I had just under estimated exactly how good but Chris quickly put me right
You see the service in question has just hit 100 Points Profit for the second Month running, but wait for the killer fact which was what left Chris speechless at just how good this Tipster was.
You see the service in question... ..
Only uses 1 Point Level Stakes on all Bets
We are talking about 244 points Profit in the last 2 Months using only ever 1 Point flat stakes on ALL Bets.
When I got in the office this morning the first thing I did before writing this E mail was to check that Membership places were still open as it is limited to just 150 Memberships.
Two bits of very good news for you, firstly the service still has 19 Places remaining(very surprised tbh it is not full) and secondly the discounted offer is still on the site until end of play Tomorrow
For the record Chris has now said himself that he will be following these Tips so that 19 may have already become 18 while I am writing . .. . . .
So are YOU looking for a simple, straightforward way to make BIG horse-racing profits?
How about this for your answer…
Win Bets Only
One point level stakes
HUGE regular profits
Daily winners at BIG odds
That has got to interest you?
Sometimes the simple ways are the best and we have found a guy who keeps it very simply BUT makes massive level stakes profits.
The profits are so big you would think he uses an exuberant staking plan to hype up the profits!
David is old school and does things HIS own way, no staking plans, ratings, tipsters etc he uses his own tried and tested way of doing things…and it simply works!
15 Weeks now of excellent profits!
In reality to you and me that’s £3,820 to £10 level stakes…!
June 2015 +57 Points
July 2015 +81 Points
August 2015 +141.50 Points
September 2015 +103 Points
Average monthly profit is 100 points plus to level stakes!
, you can be making £1,000 tax-free cash on average every month to £10 stakes!
You can see all results Proofed HERE
This amazing service is on the BetKudos platform and has absolutely rocked the tipping world!
WOW! Available now from just 73 pence a day!
David finds BIG ODDS winners and a recent Sunday was a prime example with these three amazing winners…
Newsman @ 14/1
Perseid @ 7/1
Irish Girls @ 7/1
Plus 18 points profit to level stakes on the day!
Another £180 TAX FREE cash in the bank!
If you fancy filling your boots on these big priced winners…cash in now by clicking here now.
Only 150 places available originally…
Just 19 left at time of writing!
David insisted on giving as many people as possible the chance to join and for him to prove himself. So there is MASSIVE discount for your first subscription.
As a result those 150 places will be full real soon!
Win Bets Only
One point level stakes
HUGE regular profits
Daily winners at BIG odds
This is your chance to make big profits from small stakes. It’s a like a breath of fresh air to see a service that keeps it simple, no hype, no misleading profits…just straight forward and easy to understand betting.
So , we recommend you give this a chance, take advantage of the DISCOUNT, try it out today!
Follow David’s advice to the letter and YOU WILL make your betting pay…BIG TIME!
Kind Regards,
Stephen - Betfan Group Ltd
PS. We are told places are filling very fast indeed, which is not surprising. So do not delay , secure your monthly level stake profits HERE