30th October 2014
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Members Area and someone who in the past has shown an interest in Sports
BettingHi Guys
You may have already got on board with this but just in case you haven't
The good News for Today is we have just checked and
the Special Deal is still Live. . .Quickly Grab Your Trial With This Betting Legend -
The trial Will Close SOON!I am sure many of our Members will have heard of
Kevan Minter - AKA The ColonelIf not please do give him a Google - Kevan is very highly regarded throughout Racing
This is a Guy with a Huge Reputation and a New Service with some very solid results behind it already
In October Kevan has been hitting an excellent 43% Plus strike Rate on his Tips and showing Excellent profitsYet he is still Launching with a great Low Cost Offer so you can try his service, This is Very Unusual . . .
He is essentially saying test drive his Tips first without breaking your Bank
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE It is great to see a tipster have the confidence to do this and let plenty of you test them out
Particularly in this case when they could easily have just traded on their name
So that is it in a nutshell
Top Tipster with a superb Reputation - Already Producing Great Profits for Members
Low Cost Tester Trail - 2 Weeks for less than a Tenner!We reckon this is well worth a look
KEVAN MINTER - THE COLONEL - TRIAL OFFER Enjoy the Weekend and good luck with your Betting
I am sure you will not go far wrong with The Colonel on your side!
Kind Regards
BetKudos Members AreaP.S. Big Tipster with a BIG reputation
Some Solid proofing behind it
2 Weeks for less than a Tenner - This one is a No Brainer surely?CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE