Hi ,
Do you get a bit fed up with some tipsters who give out 10-20 tips every day in the vein hope that a few winners stick.
If you want to make your betting pay then you have to be selective, less is more and that’s exactly what you get with our Selective Advisory Service (SAS), they have proven that selective betting does make you some handsome profits.
Since February 1st 2016 they have passed on they’re military style precision betting strategy and bets to a loyal band of members and they have been hitting the bookmakers exactly where it hurts…in their pockets!
In 10 Months They Have Made Over 474 Points Profit!
£11,870.50 To £25 a Point Bettors!
You can make a difference to your betting today by being ‘selective’ and following the precise bets of the Selective Advisory Service.
Give it a trial run today and by using the link below you can get your first month at HALF PRICE!
Join Here – SAVE 50% on a normal subscription!
Forget about most tipsters, these guys are very DIFFERENT, they are VERY selective. If you want to bet professionally, but on a part-time basis and make BIG profits from 9-15 carefully planned bets then this will be right up your street!
SAS – Smash Big Profits In November!
Another exceptional month for SAS followers with +97.42 points profit. Look at the performance figures below;
As you can see, they bang in form!
Selectivity is the KEY , just hit these carefully selected bets hard when they come up for long-term rewards, and that’s exactly what these guys do, and they do it to perfection time and time again.
You can view every single bet advised HERE
If you want to put your betting on a more professional footing you can with the SAS and use their part time betting plan to reap HUGE long-term rewards!
Try it today – Take advantage of our HALF PRICE first month!
This is a proven strategy that has worked perfectly for the last 10 months. In fact, just to show you the consistency, SAS average +47.48 points profit per month…WOW!
£1,187 per month on average to £25 a point stakes!
Take a look at the figures below and you’ll see a terrific long-term betting record;
Time to STOP betting 10-20 horses a day and bet with more precision and confidence and you’ll be backing winners like these…
Cavalieri – Won 5/1
Curzon Line – Won 11/2
Red Stripes – Won 11/2
Russian Reward – Won 8/1
Questo – Won 7/1
First Month – HALF PRICE!
Take your betting to the next level with SAS today
Now there won’t be bets every day, you don’t need to, we want quality over quantity so when we do bet (9-15 times a month) we can do so with the utmost confidence.
This comes with our highest recommendation. If you want in then I would not hesitate, head over to the ‘special offer’ website now and get yourself on the fast track to BIG profits!
Hold on tight…its’s going to be an awesome journey!
Click Here – Join the SAS today & SAVE 50%!
Thank you for your time today and enjoy your first month’s profits!
Best Wishes,
PS. This offer should fill the last remaining places, so do hurry if you want to secure a place.