You are getting this Message as a Registered Member of the BetKudos Members Area and someone who in the past has shown an interest in Sports Betting
Hi Guys
Are You in the 500 Club?
For the first Time ever one of our Services has broken 500 Points Profit in one Month!
PLUS We still have another eleven Days to go - WOW!
continues to deliver Top Highly Rated Tipster services for its members and we have seen some phenominal Tipping on show from our stable of Tipsters over the last couple of Months
But the pick of the bunch at the moment is the highly impressive Lucky 7 Naps!
service has got off to an absolute flyer this month! We're just under 3
weeks into August and this speciality WIN BET service is already +526.10
points up for the month! That's a cool £5,261.00 at £10 a point.
This follows a terrific month in July where Lucky 7 Naps made a huge
+148.62 points! What a summer the members are having. In fact what a
Lucky 7 Naps as I write is +1,361.02 points up for the year to date. A monster £13,610.20 betting £10 a point!!!
Remember that is Betting at JUST £10 a Point!
Imagine the profits our bigger betting Members are achieving?
See Proofing By Clicking Here.
If you're looking to add to your racing portfolio then this is not to
be missed. Places available are now getting seriously low!
Go take a look and act fast to get a place...
Make sure you are in this exclusive 500 Club before all the places are GONE!
Best Wishes,
BetKudos Members Area
PS. The 90 Day Deal is AWESOME and won't last long! Act now because the remaining places will sell very fast!