You are getting this Message as a Registered Member of the BetKudos Members Area and someone who has shown an interest in Sports Betting
Hi Guys,
"In the racing industry the informer that releases secret info is known as The Barking Dog."
You need to act on this fast because places are extremely limited and this will sell out very, very fast indeed.
"Exchange Profits" is a horse racing service on Bet Kudos and it's being restricted to just 150 members.
Since Mid January, The Barking Dog, the voice behind the service has made a staggering +539.79 points profit.
Jan +25.96 pts | Feb +80.36 pts | March +110.99pts | April +112.48pts | May +121.44pts | June +124.53pts |
A quite superb, remarkable and consistent performance but to the dismay of the Barking dog he still has some 34 Membership Places remaining!
He came to us Yesterday and literally asked - What more can I do to fill my Team!
We made a tentative suggestion about putting an offer on the site but in truth we thought he might tell us we had gone MAD!
But much to our surprise he agreed to it on the basis that he is VERY VERY confident that these results are going to keep piling the profits on
YOU can Learn About The Service - CLICK HERE
But I hear you asking what about that Special offer the Mad Man agreed to . . . .
Well in order to fill those last 34 Places we are making those last few spots available at a superb first Month offer of less than a Tenner!
Yes that right less than Tenner - Now you see why we thought he might laugh at us when we suggested this . . .
Having been a Race Horse owner The Barking Dog has the inside knowledge and key contacts to make betting pay. Especially on the betting exchanges!
Giving Win Bets, Each Way, Place and Lay Bets this must not be missed by any serious horse racing fan.
Click the link below and get involved in the very low cost trial...
With this kind of consistent performance over the last 6 Months we fully expect these last few places to be snapped up quickly
YOU can Learn About The Service - CLICK HERE
But make sure you join via the Special Offer Link
Best Wishes,
BetKudos Members Area
PS. Membership is very limited and will fill quick thanks to the low cost trial so make sure you act fast and grab a place!