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Hi Guys
Spotlight Football World Cup Tips 2014 is smashing it!
After the group stages members already have . .
65pts of profit and a ROI of over 25%.
We have just spoken to the World Cup Betting Team over at Spotlight and for any of you that have missed out so far we have some very exciting News
You can bag yourself the Rest of The World Cup Bets from The Spotlight Team - All Tips from Last 16 Onwards - For Just £12
REMEMBER - Their goal at "World Cup Tips 2014" is to make this the most exciting, most thrilling and most profitable world cup experience of your life!
The cost of the service was very low at just £24 for the whole duration of the tournament that runs from June 12th 2010 through to 13th July 2014 and covered an exceptional number of the highest quality tips.
Still 14 Matches left at World Cup 2014 so plenty of BIG Opportunity for this expert Team to profit further!
So far they are delivering on exactly what they promised us despite a fair few shocks in this tournament!
Already 65pts of profit and a ROI of 25.3%.
With all the betting options now available thanks to the Bookies, Betfair and the other betting exchanges the tips will flow and flow from some of the best tax free profiteers out there.
Spotlight World Cup Tips is flying - Are you involved?
If not grab the rest of Tournament for just £12!
Best Wishes,
BetKudos Members Area
PS. World Cup 2014 - No Matter Who Wins... YOU CAN!
See Proofing HERE