24th June 2014
You are getting this Message as a Registered Member of the BetKudos
Members Area and someone who has shown an interest in Sports
Hi Guys
I hope you all enjoyed the
FREE Tip on Monday from one of our very longest standing services Lucky 3
They delivered a nice
2/1 Winner at advised prices with their Tip
Minley running at Lingfield.
This is not a service that gets a great deal of coverage with us but it has been quietly building the profits since it launched with a steady
250 Points profit since launch at the start of 2013. Now I admit that is not going to make you a millionaire but bare in mind this service never bets more than 2 Points a bet. It has shown a steady rise of profit since day one and best of all it is already our cheapest service!
This is in fact just the kind of service you want as the base of your betting portfolio and build everything else around it, something solid and reliable and will not break your bank but give you steady long term growth.
Interested? Well it just got even better :) I have just been in touch with Lucky 3 and they have agreed to a superb low cost trial to the first 50 of you to jump on board
Bear in mind this service is already cheap as chips but they are going to let you test drive it for the next 2 Weeks for just £2 - yes just £1 a Week.But there is more - If after those 2 Weeks you like what you have seen
it will ONLY cost you £4.20 a week ongoing!This deal is a real No Brainer and i am sure those 50 Places are going to get snapped up fast
CLICK HERE TO CLAIM YOUR £2 TRIAL If you want to read all about this service then you can do so
HERE But make sure you join via the special Offer link - But be quick
This could be the base of all your betting activities for many Years to come
This really is a cracking offer to start the Week - Enjoy . . .
Kind Regards
BetKudos Members Area
P.S. You can see all proofing