Advance Notice: Get Access To These Free Wealth Building Secrets!

18th November 2016

Hi ,

Something a little bit different Today but we have registered for this and had a good look and really like what we see.

It may not be sport but I reckon we are all interested in making more money, aren't we?

Here’s a way you can receive hundreds of pounds’ worth of wealth building training and strategies — for FREE…

Including details on:

  • The fastest (legal) way to grow your net worth. (This one secret has made its creator — and his readers — millions.)
  • A million pound business you can start this week for as little as £50.
  • How to live like a millionaire starting today, no matter how much money you make.

Plus, much more…

Listen carefully…

Next week, my good friend Glenn Fisher, editor of Creating Wealth will be hosting an online wealth-training session with his friend and self-made millionaire, Mark Ford.

It’s called: Mark Ford’s ‘Golden Buckets’ System: How to Get a Seven-Figure Net Worth in Seven Years — Without Touching Stocks.

Now, this training event is going to be pretty exclusive...

But the good news is, I’ve arranged with Glenn for you to get access to this landmark wealth building event, 100% FREE. It’s just another perk of being a member of BetKudos

All you have to do is click here and pop your name down to reserve your free seat for this training.

And here’s why you’ll want to do that immediately:

Reason #1: Thousands of pounds’ worth of insight for FREE

Starting Monday, 21 November, Mark — a serial entrepreneur and investor worth upwards of $60m — will pull back the curtain on his most powerful wealth building strategies. You’ll learn exactly how Mark made his fortune — outside of the stock market — over four days of exclusive training.

This is information folks typically pay thousands to access...

But it’s yours free when you sign up here.

Reason #2: An Invitation to Mark’s ‘Hideout’ to eavesdrop on a Skype call with the man himself

Thursday 24 November - you get to watch and listen to a Skype call Glenn had with Mark Ford, in his hideout in Florida (pic: right).

In it Mark shares the wealth secrets that turned him, and multiple protégés, into millionaires — without touching a single stock.

In short, you're about to be handed Mark's most powerful wealth building strategies. free of charge.

It's all part of an exclusive, four-day online wealth-building event. An event where you’ll gain the knowledge Mark believes could help you create a million pound fortune in seven years or less.


Reason #3: Banish your worries about the next big financial crisis — forever

This is critical…

In the past 15 years, we’ve been hurt by three big financial crashes (one in real estate, two in stocks).

Many investors — maybe even you — lost money. In fact, most investors I know lost money…

Except Mark Ford.

Since making his first million 30 years ago, Mark’s multiplied his money 60-times over — without touching the stock market. And without losing a penny.

Keep in mind, during that time we experienced recession in the early 80s…the dot-com bust in 2000…and more recently, the 2008 financial crisis…

Yet, throughout those crises, Mark grew his wealth.

During this training, Mark will show you how to do the same.

Listen. If you’re worried about the next financial crisis, or simply fed up with the uncertainty in the stock market, this training event is ‘can’t miss’.

Bottom line: You don’t want to miss this rare opportunity to learn the secrets of a millionaire who wants to help you

Go here now to reserve your seat for the online training… and claim hundreds of pounds’ worth of valuable wealth-building gifts for FREE.

Best wishes,

P.S. Remember you can register for FREE - This is well worth a look