Hi ,
With inflation and Brexit and all that you don’t get much for a pound these days but how about three days of a WINNERS machine tipping service in a niche sport?
Going to the dogs suggests rack and ruin. But tonight that can mean a BIG cash injection from betting on Greyhound Racing if you let us help!
We can do that by telling you about The Judge, the best Greyhound judge in the business. Some are saying this is the very best Greyhound service they have ever seen and we 100% Recommend The Judge.
The Judge has been betting on six dogs running around a track chasing a pretend hare seriously for about 17 years. He has the experience and contacts to really make HUGE profits.
This is a BetKudos product and we have a special deal exclusive to our Members on possibly the most consistent dog racing service out there:
This cracking offer is £7 for 21 days - so 3 days per pound! Limited time so:
Since the start of the year The Judge’s Proofed Bets have made +591.49 Points Profit which equates to being £14,787 in front at £25 per point.
The Judge is the best non-racing service at BetKudos to date this month which has already seen these winners:
Harlow Talltrees Lady – WON at 2/1.
Romford Phifen Blue – WON at 8/1 – MAX BET!
Romford Jet Stream Babs – WON at 5/1
Henlow Chubbys Oak – WON at 10/11
Henlow Bottom Line – WON at 2/1
Nottingham Shaneboy Freddie – WON at 3/1
So, The Judge is proven over a sustained period of time and is THE Dog Man in Form!
As you can see with the right advisor you can really clean up and betting on Greyhounds can then be a bettor’s goldmine.
You don't need any experience whatsoever. Simply back the dogs The Judge suggests and don’t forget it’s just £7 for THREE WEEKS NOW! 33 Pence Each Day!
CLICK HERE – Try The Judge For 21 Days At £7!
Tips are emailed out daily and also uploaded to the member’s area on the website. A bank of 200 points is advised and stakes are set between 1-5 points.
As a service The Judge is a daily affair with the number of bets per day varying hugely from just one or two all the way up to eight or nine bets.
These are all win bets and as you would expect do cover a massive variety of odds with The Judge identifying the best possible value.
The Judge says:
“It's all about the best value, if I know a dog will start shorter than the morning price, then we as a team step in and take full advantage”
Clearly The Judge is on to something – ALL TIME PROFIT OF +799 Points!
Places are strictly limited at this SPECIAL PRICE!
Click Here To Join The No. 1 For The Dogs – 33 PENCE A DAY!
Best Regards,
BetKudos Members Area