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And that’s the kind of profits that the Service, Betting MasterMind, has been making.
In fact, let’s take July…
So far in July Betting Mastermind has made 97.25 points profit - See HERE
And those profits have been made by achieving a mind-blowing 35.71% strike rate.
That’s more than double what most tipsters achieve!
Ask yourself… do you want to make insane profit?
Yes… then this is where you do it.
But I know what you’re thinking. You’ve only talked about July, maybe before that it wasn’t so good.
Well, the results speak for themselves…
June +36.35
May +41.85
April +147.03
March +19.10
February +103.40
January +68.85
December +264.90
November +176.57
And so it goes on. In fact Betting Mastermind hasn’t had a losing month for over seven months.
NO LOSING MONTHS IN 2015 - How Many Services Can Say that?
You can see all the proofed selections here.
Can you spare 5 Minutes a day to achieve those kind of Cash Profits?
For the first time ever an elite group of professional punters, mathematicians and leading sports betting modellers have come together to make anybody a winning punter!
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This means you don’t have to worry about which tipster to join, you don’t have to think about which races they’re good at analysing.
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This process allows us to maintain strike rates of 35% and higher and make hundreds of units profit.
During our intensive testing/proofing period Betting Mastermind generated a staggering +2,209.47 unit profits in just over 2 years.
Betting just £20 per unit averages £1400 plus EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
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If you want to make money from your betting then…
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Stop being a loser and start winning… today!
Kind Regards
P.S. All YOU Need is just 5 minutes a Day to Place your bets - Let The Betting MasterMind do all the Work!