The Countdown Is Moving Fast For The Perfect List

25th May 2017

The Gentleman’s List Delivers Massive +890.48 Points Profit In One Year! 

Hi , 

9,8,7,6,5,4,3.2,1! Then ZERO! 

The countdown is on for the last 9 of 40 membership places for The Gentleman’s List. 

You can still join the group that made almost 900 Points in about one year. 

SELLING LIKE VERY HOT CAKES! This could be your last chance to get involved! 

In next to no time the offer to join a very select group of sports bettors will be gone! 

The Gentleman’s List must not be missed but you must ACT NOW! 

For Information About The Gentleman’s List CLICK HERE! 

The experts behind The Gentleman’s List are now ready to pass on the best bets produced through their knowledge and expertise. 

But they have expressly demanded a small audience to not spoil the price of their runners. Protecting the odds has delivered in spades. 

Between May 2016 and May 2017 (up to 24th) The Gentleman’s List has made a huge 890.48 Points Profit! 

You can see all the detailed proofed results if you CLICK HERE! 

The Gentleman’s List originally issued just 15 invitations but interest has been so big another 40 places were up for grabs this month.  

Most of those places have gone so this is your last chance to get priority access to the best bets delivered by The Gentleman’s List.  


….Secure A Much Sought After Place – CLICK HERE! 

An original membership of 15 has been extended to create another 40 spots. 

We are talking an inner circle of professional bettors who have access to The Gentleman’s List. 

Earlier there were just 9 places up for grabs but the situation changes by the minute.  

Even modest £10 bettors would have made £8,9,54.8! 

You can get access to this seriously powerful betting information 

This is selling out FAST so JOIN NOW! 

Priority Access To The Gentleman’s List: CLICK HERE! 

You are being invited to join the inner sanctum of shrewd sports bettors with access to a List that has made almost 900 Points Profit since its secret launch a year ago.  

There are three membership options: 

Monthly: £97.00great vale for something so good!

Quarterly: £64.67 a bargain £64.69 per month.

Six Month: £247.00 – an amazing £41.17 per month

The longer your subscription period the bigger savings you make. 

Initial membership for The Gentleman’s List was set at 40 places but only 9 now remain!

The countdown is almost at ZERO! 

Subscribe Now Before Its Too Late – CLICK HERE! 

Best Regards, 

Tipster TV

PS! Just NINE Places Left: CLICK HERE!