Get These Racing Winners Every Night Before Racing!

15th July 2016

Hi ,

We have some very exciting news to bring you today, which is a great way to start the weekend.

For the past 10 weeks we have been following an amazing tipster who has quite simply blown us away.

Introducing The Irish Specialist

This service is run by the exceptional tipping talent of Shane and does exactly what it says on the tin - makes huge profits from Irish Racing!

Over 264 Points Profit In 10 Weeks!


Becoming good at what you do is all about the desire, and Shane has been brought up on National Hunt racing from an early age and over time that passion and desire has got him where he is today and the above profits are testament to his professionalism and profit making ability.

Look at the following graph…

That is a very impressive performance.

Obviously not all bets will be winners but the key to success is to make sure that every winner counts. Below is a list of recent winners so you can get an idea of what to expect from Shane…

  • Queen Catrine 1st 11/1
  • Radio Silence 1st 13/2
  • Cirin Toinne 1st 15/2
  • Red Stars 1st 9/1
  • Sandro Botticelli 1st 12/1
  • Sister Bandana 1st 8/1
  • Medicine Jack 1st 13/2
  • Pandagreen 1st 7/1
  • Sir Isaac Newton 1st 12/1
  • Commissioned 1st 14/1
  • Brave Anna 1st 18/1
  • Across The Stars 1st 12/1
  • Ellery Lane 1st 10/1
  • Winter Lion 1st 7/1

No short priced favourites and following the mug punters, this is all about being on the best value bets and Shane sure does find them with incredible regularity.

Don’t miss this perfect opportunity to bet alongside Shane and get all his bets the NIGHT BEFORE racing!


You will find this service active most days for the Irish racing, plus weekends and big meetings for outside of Ireland. This really is the best information you can get from a true pro.

Getting the selections out to his followers the night before racing is essential to make sure the best value is to be had by all.

Places are to be limited on this service, so ACT FAST and secure your place.

Join Today & Get Tomorrows Bets Tonight!


Best Wishes,

Your No1 Betting Buddy