The Price Is Always Right!
Hi ,
We have a seriously big announcement to tell you about today regarding our Nap Investor service run by Nathan Price and it’s one you’ll want to hear about.
Read this entire email and you will see exactly why.
Nathan Price he is opinionated, something of a maverick and certainly swims against the tide of most Betting Related opinion.
But Nathan Price and his ever growing army of members/followers (sounds a little bit like a cult leader and thinks of himself as one!!) has plenty to be arrogant about.
Take a look at these for headline tips!
On Wednesday the 9th December Nathan advised members to bet on GoodBye Dancer…
WOW! Another fantastic big odds winner for ecstatic Nap Investor members…
Hold the front page!!
Only yesterday, Friday 11th December Nathan advised members to bet on Solstice Star…
This shows the strength of Nathan’s information…he's simply the best!
When we first spoke to Nathan about running a service well over a year ago we wondered whether his style of pure win betting at big prices would be to everyone’s taste. That was September 2014 and as of writing 12/12/15, Price has generated 1707 points profit, yes 1,707 points!! 1092 of that has been made this year, 2015.
You can find out more about the service by Clicking Here
Leading review sites have been incredibly positive about this site giving it Hall of fame and five star ratings with its staggering return on investment the highest recorded.
Straight no nonsense win singles sent usually before 8 am every single day. All the members do is read the short message look at the bets and stick win bets on. No each way, no forecasts no multiples, no exotic bets you’ve never heard of, just straight win bets.
Here’s a few words form the man himself before a very special announcement that you will want to take notice of.
Over to you Pricey…
Dear Reader,
I tell my members regularly many who have been with me for over a year that if they are serious at making serious money from betting on horses they must adopt my mindset, which is to play the long game. It is simple but its not easy to do, it requires discipline, the discipline to only do my bets that I give you and nothing else. The discipline to only do WIN BETS and not switch to each way when no ones looking because you think you are being clever if you do that!!
I do the work and you pay me for the privilege, but you have to believe me I’ve researched every style of betting possible and my way big priced betting is the only ticket in town. Please look through the link to my results and see how we have accumulated these vast profits despite plenty of losers that is right I’m telling you we have backed plenty of losers on the way to 1707 points of profit!!
I aim to push on in 2016 and if you think you have the mindset to play the long game and stick to this system having been convinced by what we have done then join us I shall be here for 2016, right here!
Best Wishes
Nathan Price - December 2015
We are pleased to announce that Winning Information Network has secured the Exclusive Services of Nathan Price the Nap Investor for 2016 and beyond and here’s how you can benefit from that.
We are now able to offer an incredible deal on a six-month or yearly package for the first time on this record-breaking service. This is very much a long-term project so this is a service you need to act fast and get with for the long term
At these special offer prices you can secure your long term membership to the top ticket in town, don’t just take our word for it. The Bet Advisor website which monitors many services found this to be the top in terms of return on investment, as have many other leading review sites.
Here are those HUGE Money SAVING offers that will save you £££’s…
Six months……….£5.73 per week >>> CLICK HERE
One year………….£4.78 per week >>> CLICK HERE
Plus, you will continue to pay these continuous low rates for as long as you are a member!
Or if you prefer you can still join monthly or quarterly on the website!
Still not convinced, then look at these for stats and see how much you could make…
+1,707.62 Points Profit Since September 2014
To £10 stakes a total profit of £17,076.20
+1092.88 Points Profit in 2015 so far.
To £10 stakes a profit this year of £10,928.80
+110 Average Points Profit Per Month Since September 2014
To £10 stakes a profit of £1100 per month
+95 Average Points Profit Per Month In 2015
To £10 stakes a profit of £950 per month
+136 Average Points Profit in the last 3 ½ Months
To £10 stakes a profit of £1360 per month
If you’re not convinced by the consistency of profits and see that you can make a serious income from this, then please, stop betting. However, if you really want to make consistent profits and build a massive income, then subscribe to Nap Investor, do it today and make it happen !
Winning isn’t everything, Winning is the only thing!
Have an amazing 2016 with Nap Investor!
Our Very Best Regards,
In It To Win It