Hi ,
What a Super Saturday Night Special we have for you Tonight!
You may well remember us shouting about the Service called Super Tips back in May after they had smashed an eye-catching headline of "OVER 700 POINTS IN JUST 7 WEEKS!!!"
The members flocked in but have they been rewarded?
Well those that jumped on straight away were handsomely rewarded when James of Super Tips delivered a few single Win Bets and an Each Way double that made over 170 points on the day.
That's Jackpot, that's a Champagne day to say the least.
BUT after May's Champagne performance we are not going to beat around the bush, June really did not go to plan for Super Tips and finished up on a disappointing minus performance
However July is already reaping massive rewards and the champagne is very much back off the ice with the losses from June already covered nearly three times over!
Super Naps started the Month with a massive 273 Points profit in one Day on the first of the Month!
Proofing of Super Tips can be seen by Clicking Here
Super Tips is a JACKPOT winning service that will bring you huge winning days but along the way you may see small downturns such as June, but as the Graph shows they continue to find the BIG Winners on an incredibly consistent basis
If you need to win every Day or want to Bet on Odds on favourites then this servcie is not for you but if you want long term profits and to experience HUGE Jackpot Winning days then do not delay any longer
We're now looking at +1,229.23 points profit in the last 16 weeks... unheard of until now!
This is potential life changing stuff - DO YOU WANT IN ON THE WINNERS?
July profits alone after just two Days would mean £2,600 in your pocket if you were betting just £10 a point!!!!!
CLICK HERE to read all about Super Tips but wait for the real SPECIAL Saturday Offer.
Super Tips actually had full Membership in early June after that cracking performance but has seen a few Members who it seems were only looking at the short term and they jumped ship before the next BIG Winner came along!
That is now very good News for you because James now wants to fill those vacant places quick and get back to working with a solid group of Members who want to make BIG profits Long Term
But it gets even better because to get those places filled real quick James has allowed us to bang a Special Offer on for this Weekend only
14 days Tips at 50p a Day - Make sure you are on board and you don't miss the next JACKPOT Winner
This Service is capable fo delivering your biggest Winning Day ever as its proved several times already!
Those places will fill very fast so DO NOT DELAY
Kind Regards
P.S. Grab 14 days Tips at 50p a Day - Make sure you are on board and you don't miss the next JACKPOT Winner