Hi ,
It’s the 1st December and Christmas is just over 3 weeks away.
But for you Christmas has just come early as we have something very special for you tonight.
The guys over at Befan have really worked their backsides off and put together the most amazing Advent Calender to cover all platforms of the Betfan Group.
Take A Look >>> CLICK HERE
Day one is ‘live’ NOW!
Every day up until Christmas you can open a door every morning to a mega surprise.
Behind each door is an amazing freebie or an exceptional MEGA offer for you to enjoy!
This is not for kids…this is for big kids who love there betting!
Open Day One >>> CLICK HERE
Make sure you visit the site every day up till Christmas, open every door and take advantage of the freebies and mega offers being given away in this superb Betfan Advent Calender.
It’s not to be missed!
Every betting fan will love this, so do not delay, get yourself over to the calendar by clicking the link below and get the first of your awesome surprises!
Get Your First Surprise >>> CLICK HERE
Kind Regards,
BetKudos Members Team