Grab This Crazy Offer While You Can!

12th October 2018

Hi ,

We’re less than 2 weeks into October and the winners and profits are flowing nicely for members of The Inside Edge.

The Inside Edge has established secret winning indicators which are used to successfully pin point selections. These secret pointers help throw up a selective amount of quality bets per week that satisfy the winning criteria that's necessary for decent profits, a healthy return on investment and an exceptional strike rate.

The service is currently enjoying over130 points for the month providing plenty of winners at great odds… 9/4, 4/1, 15/2, 5/2, 9/2, 6/1, 16/1, 11/4, 9/4, 5/1, 6/1 & 11/4!

Would you pay just £2.50 a week to get winners like this? Well that’s the offer on the table tonight!

Normally £68.00 a month below is a link that will save you £58.00 EVERY MONTH!!! Yes today you can join The Inside Edge for just £10.00 a month EVERY MONTH!!!

CLICK HERE - Grab This Crazy Offer While You Can!

hasn’t that got to be worth a punt?

Proofed to the BetFan Group since 7th April 2017 the profits have been very substantial.

An incredible +935 points, a whopping £18,700 betting at £20 a point makes this a MUST HAVE service for any serious punter!

CLICK HERE - Just £10 A Month Every Month!

Best Wishes,
