Speedster - Dash For The Cash

4th October 2018

Hi ,

Good evening I would like to introduce you to the Speedster.

This is somewhat a rush release but after +463 points and a ROI of 54.52% in just over 2 months we wanted to get this out to you ASAP!

CLICK HERE - Dash For The Cash!

Proofed on Tipster Planet anyone following at £10 a point would be looking at £4,630 in their bank… more than £2.3k a month for a few minutes work each day backing the Speedsters selections!

CLICK HERE - Dash For The Cash!

You can expect 2-4 bets a day and with the current strike rate over 39% there’s no time for boredom.

Need more convincing to give this a shot? Wait until you see the 6 month offer that’s available!

CLICK HERE - Dash For The Cash!

Best Wishes,
